What We Believe

Who We Are as…


We believe in the Holy Bible as the inerrant Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit as God’s revelation to mankind. We believe in the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons coexisting in one Godhead. We follow Christ as the promised Savior, Redeemer of the lost through grace and faith alone, not of ourselves.


We follow the reforms of Martin Luther and the Reformation begun in 1517, showing salvation to be given as undeserved love and mercy of God to us, and not dependent on the choices we make or good works we accomplish. Rather than earning our own forgiveness and salvation, our good works are reflections of our love and obedience to the God who created us, saved us, and fosters faith in our hearts.


The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod is a community of churches united in Biblical doctrine as explained by Martin Luther in his Catechisms, and later further defined in The Book of Concord. For more information, please visit WELS - This We Believe


In an age of constant change,
we still believe in One God

—Father, Son, Holy Spirit— who remains the same, yesterday, today and forever.

In an age of anxiety,
we still believe that peace comes from

Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

In an age of confusion,
we still believe that the Bible is 100%

God’s Word, error-free and relevant.

In an age of doubt,
we still believe that Jesus was

conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary.

In an age of guilt,
we still believe that our Lord Jesus

lived our life and died our death to make us right with God.

In an age of fear,
we still believe that Jesus died and rose,

assuring our victory over death and evil.

In an age of self-centeredness,
we still believe that salvation depends

entirely on God, entirely undeserved. We contribute nothing. Even faith is a gift.

1 In an age that calls the Truth “Intolerance,” we still believe God revealed the Truth, all people are lost without his Truth, our loving duty is to proclaim his Truth.