Friends and Visitors

Welcome in the name of our Savior! We are pleased to share with you the message of Jesus Christ whose saving work offers strength for today and hope for tomorrow.
We invite you to join us in praising God for all that he has done for us. After the service, we would appreciate an opportunity to get to know you.
Please sign a Connection Card before you leave. Most importantly, come back again soon!

Sunday Services: 10 am

Sunday School & Adult Study are in recess until Sept. 8th

Dress Code – Zion does not have a dress code. “Business Casual” probably describes how most people dress for worship.

Children – Kids are more than welcome to participate in our worship services. The Holy Spirit works faith in our hearts regardless of age, and we love to see children with their families in church!

Liturgy – Our worship services follow the historic "Western Rite." Many aspects of the liturgy have roots deep historic roots, focusing the congregation on the cross and the gracious salvation won for us by Christ. During the divine service, not only do we offer our praise to God, but also our Lord comes to us with his grace through his Word and Sacrament.
The entire service is printed in the hymnal and/or service folder for the day, so you can participate quite easily.

Holy Communion – In Holy Communion, Christ gives his people the gift of closeness.

+ Christ brings us close to our God, strengthening our faith by presenting his true body and blood as the guarantee of our forgiveness.
+ Christ brings us close to his holy body and blood which, in a miraculous way, are really present in, with, and under the natural bread and wine.
+ Christ brings us close to other Christians who share our same beliefs by gathering us together at one table in a public expression of our unity.
We are a congregation committed to preserving the closeness of Communion. Therefore, we give individual attention to all who would participate.
If you have not previously spoken to Pastor about Communion, we ask that you do so before attending.
For information on what we believe and to learn more, please visit [Communion].

Offerings – There is a basket at the entrance to the Narthex to collect offerings. Visitors are not expected to give offerings.