Pipe Organ
Zion is home to a II/16 R. T. Swanson (originally Wangerin-Weickhart) pipe organ that was donated to the church in 2009. We use this instrument extensively to accompany our hymns and liturgies. Extensive information and an essay about the history of the organ can be found here: https://pipeorgandatabase.org/organ/48701 and a full stoplist can be found below.
8' Principal 8' Geigen Principal 32' Resultant
8' Chimney Flute 8' Stopped Diapason 16' Subbass
8' Salicional 8' Salicional 16' Lieblich Gedeckt
8' Voix Celeste 8' Voix Celeste 8' Octave
4' Octave 4' Principal 8' Bass Flute
4' Flûte Triangulaire 4' Flûte Harmonique 8' Gedeckt
2' Fifteenth 4' Violina 4' Fifteenth
II-III Mixture 2' Piccolo 4' Flute
8' Hautbois II Sesquialtera 16' Basson
Chimes 8' Hautbois 8' Hautbois
Tremulant 4' Hautbois